Monday, July 16, 2012

Arrested development.

According to the dictionary, arrested development is defined as an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely. The term is associated with concepts like fixation, regression, and infantile. For me, it is a state that was thrust upon me without my consent. 

You see, I am a woman in my late twenties and I am at a standstill. I did everything right. I got the bachelors degree and the masters degree and figured my life would follow this neat, straight line from point A to point B. Moreover, I busied myself with coursework and achievements because I assumed that would lead to success and money and happiness and confidence and to a real adult life. 

However, I was unable to find a job in my career field even after I graduated with a masters degree. It seems that everyone has their masters degree and then some (which the student loans officer failed to mention) which leads me to another post for another time.... Has society's push for young adults to achieve awards, degrees, etc. only created a society of adults with massive amounts of debt, no real self-awareness, and no career? Moreover, does this increased need to be the best at everything, join every club, speak 5 different languages, etc. distract people from finding out who they really are and what they really want? Yes, it sounds very jaded but isn't increasing one's awareness a natural part of growing up? 

Anyway, there have been several positives in all of this, really, I promise! One, I have an amazing husband who supports me and loves me unconditionally. Two, this time has allowed me to slow down and start to really think about the person that I want to be and what do I want to do with my life; and not just in the career sense. But, how do I want to live, eat, love, move, etc. 

I do want to say that I know that I am not the only person who has student loans, couldn't find a job, etc. However, I am going to be the person who turns this time into something special and life-changing. 

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